Gnarly Bison

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Delay Brew!

Coffee is something that I get excited about. It’s something that I look forward to as I sit on the couch winding down at the end of another crazy, messy, glorious day, just pondering how I’m ever going to make it through another. Psst… The answer is coffee! I never thought my desire for coffee was anything but the fact that I’m in an extremely busy season of life and that cup (or pot) of Joe is what gives me the jolt I need. That is until this evening as I scooped piles of the finely ground deliciousness into the filter and thought of my sweet Dad. It’s not the first time that I’ve thought of my Dad while I prepared the coffee for the next day. Many times as I poured the water into the back of the coffee maker, I’ve thought of him. I’ve heard my dad’s laughter or felt his warm, comforting arm around me as I spill half of the water on the counter.

Very late one night a few years ago, as I stood in front of my prized coffee maker, I was talking with my dad about his day and sharing with him all my woes and blessings. If there was ever something I was struggling with, he’d offer up his sage advice, as only a father can do, and then he’d top it off with a “Sorry to Tara.” which was said in such a thoughtful, empathetic way. On this particular night I remember being harried and distracted, like the manic ping pong balls I envision bouncing around when my kids are all over the place. Our conversation that night was pretty light with lots of laughter. It was the calm before the major storm in his life… and mine as well. I remember staring at the coffee maker after getting it all prepped and pushing “Brew”, and then moving on to washing dishes, talking away. Suddenly I heard a very familiar, but strange sound. And started to smell a very familiar, but strange smell. I turned to see what the culprit might be and realized that instead of setting Delay Brew, I had started a new pot of coffee at almost midnight. I remember the two of us just laughing away, because it was so silly and just the perfect something to happen to allow a good, hearty belly laugh ensue. Oh it was beautiful and that moment has decided to fill my heart so many times since, even before his passing.

I believe these little moments are planted in our hearts long before we ever need them or even think we may need them one day. These sweet, seemingly simple moments are there to extract the beauty of life and those cherished memories of joy, love, and even loss.

Keep laughing and Keep Brewing! Just not at midnight ;)

~Tara xo